19 Mayıs 2009 Salı

gizlilik politikası

http://gelincigimsin.blogspot.com - Ana Sayfa olarak kişisel gizlilik haklarınıza saygı duyuyor ve sitemizde geçirdiğiniz süre zarfında bunu sağlamak için çaba sarfediyoruz. Kişisel bilgilerinizin güvenliği ile ilgili tanımlar aşağıda açıklanmış ve bilginize sunulmuştur.
Log Dosyaları
Birçok Standard web sunucusunda olduğu gibi http://gelincigimsin.blogspot.com - Ana Sayfada istatistiksel amaçlı log dosyaları kaydı tutmaktadır. Bu dosyalar; ip adresiniz, internet servis sağlayıcınız, tarayıcınızın özellikleri, işletim sisteminiz ve siteye giriş-çıkış sayfalarınız gibi standard bilgileri içermektedir. Log dosyaları kesinlikle istatistiksel amaçlar dışında kullanılmamakta ve mahremiyetinizi ihlal etmemektedir.Ip adresiniz ve diğer bilgiler, şahsi bilgileriniz ile ilişkilendirilmemektedir.
"Cookie - Çerez" kelimesi web sayfası sunucusunun sizin bilgisayarınızın hard diskine yerleştirdiği ufak bir text dosyasını tanımlamak için kullanılmaktadır. Sitemizin bazı bölümlerinde kullanıcı kolaylığı sağlamak için çerez kullanılıyor olabilir. Ayrıca sitede mevcut bulunan reklamlar aracılığıyla, reklam verilerinin
toplanması için cookie ve web beacon kullanılıyor olabilir. Bu tamamen sizin izninizle gerçekleşiyor olup, isteğiniz dahilinde internet tarayıcınızın ayarlarını değiştirerek bunu engellemeniz mümkündür.
Dış Bağlantılar

gelincigimsin.blogspot.Com - Ana Sayfa sitesi, internetin doğası gereği birçok farklı internet adresine bağlantı vermektedir. gelincigimsin.blogspot.Com - Ana Sayfa link verdiği, banner tanıtımını yaptığı sitelerin içeriklerinden veya gizlilik prensiplerinden sorumlu değildir. Burada bahsedilen bağlantı verme işlemi, hukuki olarak "atıfta bulunma" olarak değerlendirilmektedir.
gelincigimsin.blogspot.Com sitesinde uygulanan gizlilik politikası ile ilgili; her türlü soru, görüş ve düşüncelerinizi bize mutluluksa@hotmail.com adresinden iletebilirsiniz.

10 Mayıs 2009 Pazar

Cloud Engines PogoPlug

There are few things more than I try to access the distance data from your computer embryo House. But how? Can become swollen, as a blunt Microsoft cluster solution. Or you can go rationalization, lora Route drinking.

A sweet, does not have a skull-busting Route In this case came In the form of PogoPlug. This device, as seen Super-AC adapter, hard disk connected to all external Fire (Bahk USB stick), and in that konto web service that allows you to get access to the world in each of the Internet to get a signal - including the iPhone. (We will go to Back).

Installing a simple give-spirited. Linking PogoPlug us in the router (via Ethernet) that is attached USB hard disk, and create an account my.pogoplug.com. Two minutes later we puluh Coffee in the embryo read word documents, image files and video. That was it. No cable, and no RTFMing do not worry.

The likelihood that you will Want to see your data when and where it will have a team Sekito. Got an iPhone? (Of course.) You can download the mobile application PogoPlug and read data from the House to use the device with your The Jesus Device.

But that is not no snafu PogoPlug occasional inconvenience. Which is only available for a preview image files. PDF, HTML, or Word document file to be downloaded before viewing. Worse, when the device unhooked, causing the PC twice to crash Turuta respectively. We still have not fully Yakin If this was not due to a disability or Windows In PogoPlug.

We are also a little ragout-ragout About PogoPlug safety. There is an HTTPS site available to view the file, but does not set as a standard. Our recommendation? Vacay in SILAKA see all photos, video, and Word documents that you want. Bank, credit card information, Social Security numbers - indeed, any sensitive documents - the most in the House.

If not for the lackluster security PogoPlug, this device will be perfect hell. But with the potential Lubanga In the framework of the gadget, is already apprehensive About us access to things as W2. In addition to this time of year, and you Want to see identity documents tax fretting About Mereke stolen?

Samsung NC20

NETBOOK not enough, is not an ultralight PC. Regardless of that, the Samsung NC20 is a dazzling technical feat: very useful 12-inch laptop with the battery epic, and frankly impressive specification that mystifyingly price.

NC20 many under the tent of the signal NETBOOK world, offers a relatively limited as the specification of 1 GB of RAM and 160GB hard drive, and the most chilling brow, VIA Nano U2250 CPU.

Serious, VIA? Although VIA has been touting the nano as David to Goliath Intel Atom, the Atom is now the standard for VIA still sounds like degradation. But the fact is another. In our benchmarks, the NC20 outclassed all the Atom-based laptops we've ever tested (most can not go through a series of standards without actually), and even our beloved outscored five percent of Lenovo IdeaPad S10 in PCMark05.

However, it does not depress NC20 benefits to achieve the results. The battery is three hours, 40 minutes (22 percent longer than the S10) and weighs only 3.3 pounds, compared with the Asus Eee PC 1000h. And everything that you get a 12.1 inch LCD screen, also not the usual 10.2-inch screen NETBOOK.

All this may cause a classification of NC20 as a microlight, with specifications that are similar in size and can be run in the area of $ 2000 (with the Toshiba Portege R series). NC20 is not enough according to the performance of this machine - and not an optical drive - but considering the price. A $ 550, less than a third of the cost of a MacBook Air and weight only 0.3 pounds. Sure, it has a price premium compared with NETBOOK $ 400, but what the NC20 offer upgrade in the form of money for the additional cost. So savagely.

9 Mayıs 2009 Cumartesi

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is the most dynamic, spectacular city on earth. At the start of the twentieth century, it didn't even exist; at the start of the twenty-first, it's home to well over one million people, with enough newcomers arriving to need a new school every month.
Las Vegas is not like other cities. No city in history has so explicitly valued the needs of visitors above those of its own population. All its growth has been fueled by tourism, but the tourists haven't spoiled the "real" city; there is no real city. Las Vegas doesn't have fascinating little-known neighborhoods, and it's not a place where visitors can go off the beaten track to have more authentic experiences. Instead, the whole thing is completely self-referential; the reason Las Vegas boasts the vast majority of the world's largest hotels is that around thirty-seven million tourists each year come to see the hotels themselves.

The casinos want you to gamble, and they'll do almost anything to lure you in; thus the huge moving walkways that pluck you from the Strip sidewalk, almost against your will, and sweep you into places like Caesars Palace. Once you're inside, on the other hand, the last thing they want is for you to leave. Whatever you came in for, you won't be able to do it without crisscrossing the casino floor innumerable times; as for finding your way out, that can be virtually impossible. The action keeps going day and night, and in this windowless – and clock-free – environment you rapidly lose track of which is which.

Caribbean Dreaming For the Wandering Scotsman

It’s Sunday afternoon here in Barbados and I’m putting together my plans for having a wee break on another glorious Caribbean island sometime in the spring of 2009. As you know the earlier you book a flight the cheaper it is, and I for one don’t like to spend more money on something if I don’t have too.
I was planning on going on one of those Caribbean cruises, which leave from Barbados but they are all fully booked. I can see why, at those amazingly cheap prices! The cruise will have to wait until 2010 and I will be booking it as soon as they start accepting bookings.
The major problem with planning a trip to another Caribbean Island is that I’m spoilt for choice; there are so many fantastic islands to choose from. It looks like the Wandering Scotsman and his family will be heading to the beautiful island of St Lucia and that’s not because of my love of Piton Lager, but it helps!
St Lucia seems to offer everything I could want from a holiday destination and because it is quite different from Barbados, that makes it even more appealing to me. Yes St Lucia has some of the best beaches in the world, but it also has volcanic mountains, waterfalls and rain forests to go and explore. It shall be fun to go and do some serious hiking in a land, which is vastly different from anything I have ever experienced before.
My inspiration for continuing to work hard and work smarter is to build my business to a level, where I’m making enough money to be able to go and travel and explore the many wonders that the Caribbean has to offer.
The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes “sight seeing”.

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A Variety Of Responses
Shifting Habitats
The American pika, a small rodent that lives in California mountains, cannot tolerate temperatures much higher than 80 degrees. As temperatures have risen, some pika populations have moved more than 1.300 feet further up the slopes to find a cooler home.
Predators Decline As Prey Declines
One Isle Royale, Mich., higher temperatures mean that one species of tick is growing more numerous and becoming more troublesome for the island's moose. As the population of moose declined, so has the population of wolves, which prey on the moose for food.
Shifting Migration Patterns
Many birds have begun marking their annual migrations earlier - some British species have shifted by two to three weeks over the past 30 years. That can be a problem if the bird's main source doesn't also shift its timing so it is available when the bird need to eat.
Entire Ecosystem Changes
In the northern Bering Sea, near Alaska, warmer waters are causing an entire ecosystem shift. Native animals, such a walruses and gray whales, are finding less of the prey animals they rely on. At the same time, fish are moving in from less frigid areas.
Research on wood frogs in New England seems to show that they may be able to evolve and adapt to rising temperatures. That is good news, but scientists say that many animal will not be able to evolve in the same way.
Changes Local And Beyond
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Md.
Rising water levels threaten to turn most of this enormous swamp - which shelters baby fish and blue crabs along with migrating birds - into open water by 2030. A crucial habitat on the Eastern Shore be gone in century.
Catoctin Mountain, Frederick County
The brook trout that live in mountain streams here cannot tolerate water much hotter than 68 degrees. As temperatures rise, the fish in central Maryland could be gone in a century.
Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica
Animals living in the forest depend on moisture from near-constant cloud of mist and fog. Climate change seems to be reducing this moisture. Two amphibian species have not be seen since the 1980s and are now presumed extinct.
South Pacific Ocean
Warming waters have become too hot for coral reefs in some places, leading to so-called "bleaching" in which large amounts of coral die. During 1998, warm temperatures killed off about 16 percent of all the world's coral.
Beaufort and Chukchi seas, Off Alaska
Walrus mothers in this area typically leave their young on the sea ice while they dive down to find food on the bottom. But now, sea ice is melting more rapidly than before, which can leave walrus calves floating helplessly in open water

Tragedi Lehman Brothers & Krisis Global

Jika bicara mutu komputer, mungkin IBM adalah jaminan mutu, maka untuk sektor keuangan Lehman Brothers tidak ada yang menyangkalnya. Tapi saat ini mutu itu tidak ada lagi, surat berharga terbitan Lehman Brothers sudah menjadi junk setara dengan kertas sampah. Perusahaan yang awalnya hanya berupa toko kecil di Alabama, yang dibuka oleh seorang imigran Jerman - Henry Lehman - di tahun 1844, awal pekan ini menyatakan dirinya bangkrut.
Bank investasi terbesar keempat di AS itu muncul sebagai korban terbesar dari krisis surat utang AS. Hari Senin pagi waktu AS (15/9/2008), Lehman mengajukan Chapter 11 Protection alias proteksi kebangkrutan. Keputusan ini muncul setelah sehari sebelumnya, Barclays Inc. dan Bank of America mengurungkan tawarannya untuk membeli Lehman.